When we reached a particular age, my dad would take each one of his sons to the shop for a summer, some of us willingly, others, under what seemed like a prison sentence. I'm sure my dads plan was to introduce us to the harsh realities of toil and labor in the hopes that it would scare us into seeking refuge in the hallowed halls of some university, pursuing a higher education. My two brothers are a lot smarter than me.
Dave, after his stint at Steelmasters, joined the Marine Corp. Hmm, maybe not that much smarter. However, after he got out,it gave him the experience and fortitude to test out a new field opening up called, computers. Back then, those things filled large rooms, chewed and spit out cards with rectangular holes and could add 2+2 in the blink of an eye. Way beyond my scope of comprehension.
Andy, he was simply a pawn used to hold the summer position open until I reached the age when I could get my work permit from school, thereby allowing me to legally apply for work. Thanks Andy! It only confirmed in him what he already knew, he didn't want to work that hard. Ever. He went on to a four year university, got his degree in art and set out to find his niche. It was still a struggle for him, but I have envied the fact that he always knew what he wanted to do. Remember, I still can't decide on what cereal I want.
My job, basically, was to sweep the shop. This was a big shop and so I would throw around sweeping compound in small areas and then pick it up. It looked like red sawdust and was designed to keep down the dust. It wasn't long before my dad would take me out to the yard and show me how to operate the forklift. Or, the overhead crane, or clean some welds with the chipping hammer, or do some grinding. Before I knew it, I was unloading trucks and moving large pieces of sheet metal, helping some of the other guys.
My dads plan, and hopes, for me and college, fell away completely, I'm sure, once I got my first paycheck. I guess he saw that look on my face as I looked over my first check from Steelmasters. I traced my finger over the amount embossed on it. With what may have seemed ceremonious, I tore off that little pay stub which I had seen so many times before, in his wallet, on his nightstand. I can't remember dinner tasting so good as that night.
Psalm 128 reads;
Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor, blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house, your sons will be like olive shoots around your table. Thus is the man blessed who fears the Lord. May the Lord bless you from Zion all the days of your life. May you see the prosperity of Jerusalem and may you live to see your children's children.
Yeah, I got a glimpse

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